Happiness | Motivational Video

   “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

Make more money with Recad Media

Do You want to know how You Can Also Make more than N100,000 With Recad Media? I will reveal it here for your benefit.

Recad Media is a Digital Marketing Agency with roots in direct marketing. Recad Media Inc is the first company in Nigeria to promote Advertisers content by sharing its revenue with her members thereby creating an effective means of maximizing the use of “Social Media” as a digital marketing agency.

Now i know you are already wondering how this concerns you; well let me break it down a little.

As a publisher with Recad Media, you’ll be making no less than N450 a day. How is this possible? Well the answer isn’t far fetched, Recad Media provides sponsored posts of various Advertisers on your account dashboard, your job is to share this posts on your Facebook profile and twitter, then you get paid a total of N450 per post shared daily. Easy right!

Now let me further break it down:

* Create a publisher account on Recad media Please kindly note that registration attracts a fee of N3000 only, this is in a bit to reduce the rate of users opening multiple accounts. Also note that, Recad Media has a 5days refund policy starting from the date your account is registered should in case for any reason you decide to opt out, you registration fee is refunded back to you.
* Try as much as possible to always login to your account everyday, as sponsored posts that would always be available. You get paid N450 per each post shared on your social account.
* Recad Media pays N1000 per each user referred to the platform, this is only an incentive, and would not last for more than 3months.
So if properly utilized, a member of Recad Media would be making no less than N1400 daily from the platform.

 The key is this, if you want to be successful with this program you have to fast track your growth by referring maximum social media users to this program.

Although referral isn’t compulsory, and you absolutely don’t need it to earn on Recad Media, but it is a great and faster way of earning more

*Please Note: Recad Media would never ask you to pay to anyone’s bank account, you only do that at your own risk, payment is done via payment gateways online only!*

To join Recad Media visit:
Recad media Registration page.

Note: Joining other Make Money Online Schemes that is not recommended can result to your loss of money.

For further details, you can drop your whatsApp number below, let’ s guide you through the process.


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