Happiness | Motivational Video

   “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

TSTV’s Technical Partner in Bid to Outwit DSTV Unveiled

TSTV the Nigerian-owned pay-TV service recently launched on October 1 looks set to push market-leader DSTV to limit with its low subscription rates and bundling of Internet with satellite television.
Many Nigerians have wondered if the company has what it takes to compete effectively against such a strong competitor especially with a service that is not widely available from current market operators.
However, our research indicates that TSTV has the backing of ABS which is a leading global Satellite operator which provides  in its words: “Direct to Home (DTH), Cable TV distribution (CATV), Cellular Backhaul, VSAT and Internet Backbone services with diverse IP transit through its European, Middle East and Asian internet gateways.”
This means that TSTV is indeed covered in the technical aspect of its operations.
According to Tom Choi, CEO of ABS: “TSTV has the right content and premium product to satisfy the growing demand of Nigeria. We hope ABS-3A can assist them to take Nollywood to great heights. ABS has strategically located its newly launched satellites at prime video neighborhoods at 3°W, 75°E and 159°E. We have successfully developed DTH platforms across Africa, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, South Asia and Russia/CIS. Our goal is to bring quality and affordable entertainment to a wider population.”
While Nigerians wait for the sale of TSTV to begin, it seems it is indeed ready and able to provide a degree of quality that will satisfy many Nigerians.


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