AS controversy continues to trail the 120, 100, and 110 cut-off marks set by the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) for admission at various institutions, authorities in schools have pegged their cut-of marks at between 160 and 200, describing the JAMB's benchmarks as ridiculous. After the announcement of the 120 cut-off point for universities, 100 for polytechnics/colleges of education and 110 for monotechnics, many university authorities have met to decide their institutions' cut-off marks. As at the time of filing this report, Our investigations revealed that the University of Lagos, UNILAG, has fixed its cut-off point at 200, the University of Benin, UNIBEN, 200; University of Ibadan, UI, 200; Obafemi Awolowo University, 200; and University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN, 200. While many vice chancellors described the 120 benchmarks for admission as too far below their institutions' standard, other stakeholders posited that the mark would further destro...