Music superstar Dbanj and his wife Didi Lineo, have welcomed their first child. Dbanj took to his Instagram handle on Friday to share the first photo of their baby – a son named Daniel Oyebanjo III. According to media reports, Dbanj, an entrepreneur and TV host, is currently in the USA where Didi delivered their baby. In 2016, the singer reportedly held a secret wedding with his girlfriend Didi, at a low key ceremony both in Lagos and Abuja. Dbanj in a recent comment had said that his marital status was no body’s business. Dbanj shares picture of first son’s hand “My marriage is my business and it is none of your business. Whether I am married or not, mind your business. If you ever see a wedding ring on my finger, fine, but if you don’t, fine.” “The truth about it is that it is very important to know what you want as a brand. As a brand, I wanted to focus on the business side and keep my family and private life, private and concentrate on CREAM.” The Kok...