ON Monday, Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele-Bello and her husband, Rasheed Bello, popularly known as ‘JJC Skillz’, formerly based in the UK, hosted their friends and family members to a house warming party at their newly acquired apartment at Amen Estate in Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos State. The house warming party was attended by entertainers and other celebrities like Chioma Akpotha, Seyi Law, IK Ogbonna, Uche Jombo, Kaffy, DJ Spinall, Dayo Amusa, Fathia Balogun, Iyabo Ojo, Kate Henshaw. Other celebrities were Toke Makinwa, Joro Olumofin, Yomi Casual, Lanre Makun and a host of others. Funke aka Jenifa tied the nuptial knots with her hubby in London, United Kingdom on August 23 in a quiet wedding that caught the entertainment world napping. But the couple had their reason for doing just that as Funke Akindele’s publicist, Biodun Kupoluyi said, they chose a quiet wedding in London because neither of them wanted to be at the centre of attention having been on that la...